Okay so this is the look we get when Miss K is not at all amused about something. Actually this is a pretty mellow not amused for our Kaitlin. The "Look" gets pulled out for a variety of reasons. On this particular occasion Kaitlin was waiting in her armchair in her bedroom for mum and dad to remake her bed after she power-chucked in it. Nope, she wasn't amused. I am also at the recieving end of this look when I move towards Kaitlin with a teaspoon of solids, sing and dance when she's not in the mood (she loves it - really!!!), or try to take photos when - you guessed it - she's not in the mood! She has a lot of moods, I don't know where she gets it from heehee. Kaitlin has heaps of likes including her cat, cuddles with mum and dad in their bed, music, trees, conductive ED (well most of the time), chocolate, salty chips, kicking over her bowl of food or mums dinner, swimming (I took her swimming in a big pool for the first time last week and she loved it!). Oher loves include crazy dancing, books, tickles, wind, the sound of rain, holding hands, waving her magic wand. bells, fairies her family and her teachers at conductive Ed. Speech can be difficult or impossible with Kaitlin's type of cerebral palsy because her mouth tongue and breathing muscles are very weak. We feel very encouraged by the fact she says "mum"da""ba"(bath) "va"??? and does the baby sign for bottle which I just love. So even though she doesn't speak like other children her age she makes her likes and dislikes very clear to us. It's really funny because if we take her anywhere she is as quiet as a mouse but here at home she is so rowdy. She shows that she loves something by smiling with her whole body and wriggling her arms and legs and chuckling. If she doesn't, well, we get the "Look"or she holds her breath and turns purple, or she yells. So we get the message.
Activities or things that get this reaction are pretty limited really, tummytime, tummytime and tummytime. What is the best thing we could do for her physically? Tummytime. Hmmmmm.
Solids, sleeping and long car trips are up there too, but other than that she's pretty cruisy.
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